It is possible that the only times you have heard about, or really thought about, sewer inspection is during the transfer of property, such as buying a new home, selling your home, or agreeing to a long-term residential lease. The option to do a sewer inspection is usually presented, but not always insisted upon. So, it is important for you to understand what a sewer inspection is, and when you might need one.
Mentioned above, during the transfer of property is a very good time to get a sewer inspection completed. It is important to know that waste and contaminated water is leaving your home properly. Issues can arise from your water not properly draining to the sewer, such as backflow, build-up of pressure, or pipe damage. Most of these concerns are unseen and may arise with little to no warning.
It is much better to get a sewer inspection, and set up a maintenance schedule, than to risk having problems or major damage. Having our team here at BL Plumbing Service complete a sewer inspection will cost you much less than any repair or replacement would cost you from ignoring potential problems. It is always better to know what you are dealing with when going into a new property to prepare for and prevent problems.
If you have not had a sewer inspection done recently, here are some signs that it is time schedule your sewer inspection with our team. Watch for foul smelling water, specifically in the toilets, slow drainage, or low water levels. If you have any of these issues or other concerns, or wisely wish to stay ahead of any problems, contact us today to set up a sewer inspection for your safety and peace of mind.